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Finance How To

How to Forecast Sales Revenue

A finance how-to in 30 minutes or less presented by top finance practitioners and thought leaders in the finance software space.

Nearly every Planning application has a version of Sales Forecasting. The Keen Vision version incorporates an integrated approach to Sales Targeting, Zero-Based Sales Planning and Sales Simulations using break-back. Sales Targeting provides a higher-level mechanism to establish macro-level targets and quotas across the sales organization. Sales Targeting takes a driver-based approach versus prior sales performance to efficiently develop the Target Scenario. Sales Planning on a ‘zero-based’ approach is captured at the Rep level with inputs on a Customer and/or Product Line basis depending on the industry.

Learn how to use this solution to provide visibility to Actual history, as well as Sales Targeting info.

This presentation includes references to “Host Analytics” which is now known as Planful.

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