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Finance How To

The CFO Playbook: The New Rules of Leadership in Finance

Because the CFO’s role has transcended financial functions. This clear, concise page eBook explains how finance leaders can contribute to the growth of an entire business in 2021 and beyond.

Get comfortable with the unknown.

The new, hidden side of Leadership in Finance:

3 specific ways every CFO’s role has evolved and expanded beyond what it was just a few years ago…

What companies really want from their Finance chiefs — and it’s probably not what you think…

The 2-pronged approach any CFO can use to transcend the Finance department and become a holistic leader…

2 central, non-financial skills every CFO can’t afford to stop cultivating…

How the most effective CFOs and financial leaders weigh risk…

If a CFO isn’t well-versed in these 5 key areas, they’re likely doing more harm than good…

What 30% of CEOs wish their CFOs better understood…

A clear, simple, proven set of steps any Financial leader can (and should) follow to increase their value across an organization…

18 words every CFO should hear but probably never has…

How effective CFOs guide leadership on important, potentially business-changing decisions…

2 proven narrative styles “Financial Data Storytellers” use to engage stakeholders at every level of an organization…

How to use the 3-step “chronological storytelling” system to express the implications of financial data in a powerful, ultra-memorable way…

How to use the classic “side-by-side” narrative at your next board meeting…

Why “Data Storytelling” is almost always beneficial — unless you start doing this…

How this technique will help you convey complex financial data and ideas in a simple, digestible way…

How this system can help financial leaders work from a “single source of truth”…

Is your financial org using one — or both — of these slow, time-sucking legacy systems?

5 specific questions designed to help choose the right “Continuous Planning” tools for your financial organization…

What happened when the Boston Red Sox embraced something called “Collaborative Planning”…

Why, this is the foundation of exceptional financial leadership…

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