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Analyst Report

Planful Named a Leader in Dresner’s 2023 Wisdom of Crowds® Market Study

In the 2023 Wisdom of Crowds report, and for the eighth consecutive year, Planful is named a leader in the Customer Experience model and the Vendor Credibility model based on customer feedback across more than 33 criteria.

Event date2023

More and more companies are relying on Enterprise Performance Management solutions to help Finance navigate today’s toughest economic and business challenges. If you’re looking to do the same, how do you choose the right partner?

Read this new study by Dresner Advisory Services, an independent analyst firm, to learn why Planful ranked best in sales professionalism, consulting experience, and continuity when compared with competing solution providers.

In the 2023 Wisdom of Crowds report, Planful is named a leader in the Customer Experience model as well as a leader in the Vendor Credibility model based on customer feedback across more than 33 criteria.

Download the full report today and discover how Planful’s leading solutions can transform your organization’s success. Join the ranks of industry forerunners that have chosen Planful as a trusted partner on the path to peak financial performance.

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