Marketing Plan Builder extends Planful for Marketing to bring guidance, standardization, and ease of execution to the process of marketing planning
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., June 6, 2023 – Planful Inc., the pioneer of financial performance management cloud software, today announced Marketing Plan Builder, making Planful for Marketing the first end-to-end solution for building, presenting, executing, and measuring marketing plans.
“Marketing planning is an immature capability, and in some cases, completely broken in many companies. Plans are built in silos disconnected from key business goals, sales goals, and even financial goals. Furthermore, the planning process happens in spreadsheets or slides, which is also completely disconnected from historical results,” said Rowan Tonkin, Chief Marketing Officer at Planful. “Executing on those plans is made even more challenging without tools that connect marketing plans to campaigns, budget management, and performance metrics. Marketing Plan Builder will provide teams with new, connected ways of working to make planning for marketers a seamless, end-to-end experience and connect plans to budgets and execution.”
By giving marketing teams the power to create and present comprehensive marketing plans quickly using best-practices guidance and template-driven workflows, Planful’s new functionality can cut weeks from planning efforts so marketers can get plans approved and into action. Marketing Plan Builder empowers marketers to move with speed and agility by providing a complete view of a plan’s goals, campaigns, channels, expenses, budgets, and financial performance metrics on a single page. Marketers can recognize op