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5 Trends Impacting Finance and Accounting in 2022

The pandemic changed everything. Well, reflecting back, that sure seems like an understatement. But as we tentatively emerge from nearly two years of unpredictable and fast-changing circumstances, several pandemic-fueled business trends seem clearly destined to become cemented into the post-pandemic status quo. 

Read the eBook, 5 Global Trends Changing Finance and Accounting Teams, to understand why these key shifts will alter how CFOs and their finance and accounting teams work.

The eBook looks at the following new trends in finance and accounting in detail to uncover their scale and scope, connects macro trends to the work of finance and accounting professionals, and provides tips for getting ahead of these potential business disruptors.

New Trends in Finance and Accounting

  1. Remote work is definitely here to stay. Even as distancing and other work restrictions retreat, most companies expect most workers to work remotely at least some of the time. As a result, the reliance on cloud-based solutions will continue to grow, both within Finance and Accounting and across the business.
  2. Get to know the blockchain. The blockchain market is expected to increase 10x in just the next 4 years. But it’s not only Bitcoin and its ilk accounting for that; blockchain is being used to track transactions, logistics, insurance claims, and more.
  3. Look beyond financials. Finance and Accounting are taking more responsibility for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Calls for corporate reporting requirements are growing, as are the costs associated with ESG, putting CFOs in the spotlight to make ESG gains a strategic goal.
  4. Big data is back. Well, it kind of never left. It’s now just called “data” since every company has so much. Being able to capture, consume, and analyze huge amounts of data is already separating winners from losers. Spreadsheets aren’t enough, especially if you want to drill down to understand the details, evaluate scenarios, and make confident data-based (not summary-based) decisions.
  5. AI is your friend. Artificial intelligence and automation aren’t here to take your job, they are here to make you better at it. Finance and Accounting can’t possibly parse the flood of incoming data (see #4) while also providing the smarts to analyze it and make decisions. Those who modernize now can take a decided advantage over the competition.

Get this eBook today to understand more about these global trends changing Finance and Accounting. Learn details behind these 5 points, tell you what analysts and thought leaders are predicting, and provide you with real examples of how real companies are already getting ahead of these important shifts. Don’t get left behind.

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