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Top 2017 Blog Posts for Finance Transformation

What Does it Take to Achieve Success With Finance Transformation?

“What does a transformational Finance organization look like?  What are some key traits to emulate? Today’s fast-moving and competitive business environment has put a lot of pressure on CFOs to evolve their role, and that of the Finance function, from back-office scorekeeping to strategic business partner. What does that entail?” Read More

What Are the Best Practices in Finance Transformation?

“Finance transformation – the industry has been talking about this for a number of years.  But what does it take to evolve Finance into an agile and transformed function?  Transformation from what to what?  Where should you start?  What are the benefits? These and other questions were the focus of a recent webinar held by Planful.  Based on our work with over 600 customers on transforming Finance processes, we shared best practices and even held a panel discussion with two of those customers.” Read More

5 Critical Steps in Successful Finance Transformation From Accenture

“In an ever-changing corporate world, finance teams have become the first responders. Few are ready to meet the very real demands of that role today, and it’s only going to get tougher in the years to come. To help close the gap we recently held a webinar with Accenture in which Matt Aldridge, a senior principal consultant with a specialty in corporate financial planning and analysis (FP&A) processes, explained best practices pulled from the firm’s recent survey of U.S. and international companies.” Read More

Still looking for more information on Finance Transformation? Check out our On-Demand Webinars – 

The Transformational CFO’s Playbook

Watch the recording of this webinar to learn the best practices transformational CFOs are adopting in their organizations. Find out how they are upgrading their staff with new skill sets and learn how they are streamlining critical Finance and business processes.

7 Tenets of Transformational Finance Organizations

What does it take to evolve finance into an agile and transformative function? Based on hundreds of successful customer implementations, watch this webinar to learn the 7 tenets of transformational finance organizations.  See what’s common in organizations who have successfully transformed their finance function from back office scorekeeping to becoming strategic business partners, driving and supporting decision making across the enterprise.

The 4 Phases of Finance Transformation

Looking at the Maturity Model of EPM within an organization – this webinar looks the different phases your organization is at and the step to take in order to get your finance organization to a transformed state.

Happy New Year!



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