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Dashboards With Planful

Visualize Your Data With Self-Service Dashboards

Dashboards With Planful

Spend Time Understanding Your Business, Not Formatting Reports

Dashboards with Planful helps business leaders keep an eye on key metrics to better drive their actions. Easily spot trends, identify performance gaps, and stay ahead of challenges with powerful visualizations that bring together financial and operational data.

How Planful Helps You

  • Drag and Drop to Customize Deliverables
  • Slice and Dice, Drill Up and Down
  • Take Back Your Time

Get the Latest Data With Auto-Update

Leverage Planful’s dimensional hierarchies and substitution variables so your dashboards automatically update as you roll into new planning cycles and expand your business structures. No administrative maintenance or manual updates required.

Streamline Accounting and Finance from Start to Finish

Accelerate access to actuals, create insightful reports and analyses, and manage financial and operational planning all within Planful.

Get Started with Planful

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