Plan and Forecast Diverse Revenue Streams for Resorts and Hospitality Properties

Build a dynamic financial model for the comprehensive financial management of resort and hospitality properties. Planful gets you going in the right direction.




Model Diverse Revenue Streams

Consolidate financial data across various properties including golf courses, ski resorts, event facilities, and dining establishments.

Plan Revenue at Every Level

Create detailed revenue plans and track performance for room bookings, retail sales, food and beverage revenue, and activity fees.

Track Operational Performance

Capture data and report metrics on room availability, occupancy rates, and facilities usage.

Allocate Across Properties

Easily allocate adjustments across properties, departments, and revenue segments.

“Something really powerful in Planful is that the information is all in the system. In Excel, if you don’t keep things consistent, it all breaks.”
James MuscatCommercial Finance & FP&A Director, Ten Lifestyle Group

Streamline Financial Plans

Centralize financial management across multiple hospitality venues to save time, reduce errors, and increase accuracy.

Enhance Planning and Forecasting

Get detailed insights into various revenue streams across the hospitality and resort spectrum to enable accurate financial forecasting and holistic strategic planning.

Improve Operational Efficiency

Remove friction from processes and easily allocate financial targets and adjustments to give FP&A more agility and more accurate financial insights.

Get Started With Resort and Hospitality Financial Performance Modeling

Learn how Planful helps you navigate resort and hospitality modeling easily, quickly, and from a single source of truth.

Get Started with Planful

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