Unique Financial Management Needs of Multi-Location Healthcare Networks

Create a dynamic model for managing financial performance across multiple healthcare facilities. Planful gets you going in the right direction.

Comprehensive Healthcare Modeling

Cover inpatient and outpatient services, specialized care units like rehab and detox centers, and other variables of multi-location healthcare organizations.

Streamlined Multi-Location Analysis

Analyze and understand the impact of patient volumes, payor mix, and revenue calculations across various locations under a single umbrella.

Data-Driven Insights

Make better decisions using accurate operational metrics, net revenue per patient day, and payor-specific revenue.

An Integrated View of Financials

Give FP&A managers the insights to optimize financial performance and improve governance and control across departments and services.

“We’re at one analyst for every 20 practices. Planful halved the number of financial analysts we need to support our business.”
Gaylord MillerSenior Director of FP&A, Imagen Dental Partners

Track Critical Operational Metrics

Manage the metrics that matter to multi-location healthcare providers such as patient days, average daily census, and admission rates by payor.

Automate Revenue Insights

Calculate net revenue per patient day, including adjustments for contractual allowances and bad debt, automatically.

Manage Locations Holistically and Individually

Dynamically filter financial and operational data to analyze performance by location, department, and service offering.

Get Started With Multi-Location Healthcare Management

Learn how Planful helps you navigate multi-location healthcare networks easily, quickly, and from a single source of truth.

Get Started with Planful

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