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Learn How Imagen Dental Partners Scales Finance & Accounting Alongside Its Business

Learn How Imagen Dental Partners Scales Finance & Accounting Alongside Its Business

Imagen Dental Partners works with dental practices to support and enhance their growth. Gaylord Miller, the company’s Senior Director of FP&A, wanted to give decision makers across the group a single, comprehensive view of the organization’s finances. To move beyond its slow, spreadsheet-driven finance and accounting processes and prevent the Office of the CFO from becoming a growth-limiting bottleneck, Imagen chose Planful.

“Before Planful, we were living in Excel,” Gaylord recalled. “We had built this complex, 80-tab model for everything from projections to headcount. It broke, got too big to email, we had multiple versions on shared drives. It was a nightmare.”

Sound familiar?

Too many finance and accounting teams are held back by the complexities, frustrations, and hidden errors of spreadsheets. Gaylord knew he had to move more quickly and be more responsive as Imagen’s fast-growing business started to pick up even more steam. He needed automation to eliminate manual efforts, integration to automatically gather data, and a modern approach that accelerated how he worked.

“Planful won; it wasn’t even close,” Gaylord said.

Just 3 short months after selecting Planful, Gaylord was delivering comprehensive financial reports with the click of a button. He quickly moved planning and budgeting to Planful, brought the company’s workforce planning onto the platform, and added budgets, forecasts, and consolidations. Imagen even uses Planful as its system of record for audits.

Now, as Imagen continues to grow, Planful is helping finance and accounting work with more speed and confidence. It’s even increased productivity across the Office of the CFO, with analysts now able to handle work for twice as many dental practices as before Planful.

Gaylor said: “Planful halved the number of financial analysts we need to support our business. It’s scalable, repeatable, and it’s what we needed to run our business.”

But that’s not all. Planful helps Imagen build its monthly reports and presentations in the click of a button and close the books in about 10 minutes. With the time saved, Gaylord and team now have more bandwidth to focus on guiding the business forward. And, he’s excited to begin using Planful Predict, Planful’s suite of AI-powered solutions that help finance and business leaders make confident, intelligent financial decisions with greater agility and accuracy.

“We’re going to be at 80 practices this year and 200 at the end of next year,” said Gaylord. “There’s no way for me to get enough eyes on this data. Predict is going to scrub through my data, show me anomalies, and leave me in control.”

To learn more about how Imagen Dental Partners uses Planful, read its customer story and watch Gaylord’s presentation from Planful Perform 2022.

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