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How to Align Financial and Operational Planning

Taking its place is a more integrated approach where Finance and Operational plans are not created in separate silos, but in a more collaborative fashion.  So, what does an integrated financial plan really look like?  In the world of transformational finance organizations, it is one that is led by finance but created with operations as an equal partner.

It must also be highly iterative, and effective at driving well-informed business decisions. This is especially true because of the explosion of data sources available to drive business decisions. Couple that with the mission-critical planning done in areas like sales and marketing, and you see the importance of Finance – Operations collaboration.

So what are the benefits to finance organizations that embrace the partnered approach to financial planning?  Check out our on-demand webinar to find out.  Topics that will be covered include:

  • The challenges of silo-based planning and the benefits of a unified plan
  • Tips on how you can change the game in your organization
  • How modern, cloud-based EPM platforms facilitate more efficient financial and operational planning.

Learn more and register for “Change the Game With Finance and Operations Alignment.”

Register for the Webinar

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