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Scenario Analysis

Explore every option, ready to pivot at a moment’s notice

Scenario Analysis

Bring Certainty to Any Scenario

Understanding how to ensure business continuity relies on the ability to rapidly analyze the breadth of scenarios that may take place. Business leaders are now required to course correct in a matter of hours and days, not weeks or months. Being trapped in manual processes accounting for hundreds of variables across dozens of models puts the business at risk of not seeing the path forward with true visibility.

Struggling to gather financial data across systems?
Spending too much time building models?
Relying on complex, disconnected spreadsheets?

Planful enables you to plan across multiple financial scenarios and assess key drivers in your business to understand their impact, instantly analyzing every option. Having the flexibility and agility to run ad hoc analysis and build driver-based scenarios for any occasion are integral to operational speed. See below to learn more about the advantages of scenario analysis.

“Our forecast system was error prone and time intensive. Now, we can create multiple scenarios, and we have immediate visibility. What used to take us days now takes us minutes with the click of a button. We transitioned from semi annual forecasts to monthly forecasts with more frequent access to information.”

Tim ZueEVP & CFO at Boston Red Sox

How Planful’s Financial Scenario Analysis Software Helps You

Bring answers to the table quickly with the agility to slice and dice data to optimize current period results and inform future plans and strategies.

Discover deeper insights with flexibility across a broad range of models built to help you quickly analyze ad hoc and what if scenarios.

Support strategic changes across the business with data-driven decisions on the fly, aligning with both executives and your business partners.

Bring Confident Answers with Ad Hoc Analysis

Utilize scenario analysis to zoom in, zoom out, keep, remove, and pivot on all your business categories and segments to explore data at the most granular level of the business, or to see aggregated financial results for the whole business. Empower your users to investigate data, incorporate financial and non-financial drivers.

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Explore Data From Every Angle, Any Level

Save time creating multiple scenarios and understanding the financial impact of changes to the plan prior to making them. Adjust any level of the business and see immediate results.

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Harness The Power of Centralized Data

Have control over your version management, no more outdated, disconnected spreadsheets. Collaborate across the business with comprehensive scenarios fit for any occasion with clarity on the impact to the business.

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